BookTrib Reviews The Whisky Cabinet

Nicely written of review of The Whisky Cabinet over at BookTrib, by Amanda Harkness:

My relationship with whiskey started out hot and heavy—more a whiskey shooter than a whiskey sipper. Over time, my tastes matured, and I began to savor the slow and smoky sip of my favorite peaty winter-time whiskey, LaphroaigMark Bylok understands the complexity that comes with sipping whiskey and recognizes that while it can appear chaotic on the surface, you should never let that turn you away. Indeed, he says that “Like any worthwhile relationship, sometimes things take time.

Thank you for the review!

John Gruber Reviews My Book, and Friends Ask "Who's Gruber??"

John Gruber reviewed The Whisky Cabinet earlier this the month:

I read and greatly enjoyed whisky connoisseur Mark Bylok’s new book, The Whisky Cabinet, over the holidays. Great photography, perfect typography, and it’s even printed on excellent paper. Most importantly, Bylok is a good writer who truly knows his shit about whiskies from around the world. Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys whisk(e)y of any sort — especially if you’re looking to expand your palate to new varieties.

Beyond being a flattering post, this mention resulted in a ton of book sales. When I told friends about the review, they either shared my excitement, or they asked me “Who's Gruber??”

I’ve been a fan of John’s writing for the last decade. While he mostly writes about Apple and tech, John’s focus on the importance of writing, design, and typography translated into the look and feel of The Whisky Cabinet. For this reason, beyond the book sales, his online review means a great deal. In fact, had he sent me a private email, I would have been just as thrilled. 

On his podcast, The Talk Show, John told the story of how he came across The Whisky Cabinet (at around 1:17:00). He pre-ordered the book early on. By amazing coincidence, within an hour of the book being delivered, I emailed John to offer him a complimentary copy. John snapped a photo of The Whisky Cabinet and told me “Too late, I already bought it!" Definitely have a listen to the podcast! It makes for a good story. 

Thank you John!